
Have you protected your life?

Every human life is precious and irreplaceable. The unexpected loss of a loved one can have a devastating effect on the family, emotionally and financially. A primary reason to have life insurance is to protect your family against the financial problems that are associated with the premature death of a loved one. These financial problems include unpaid medical bills, funeral expenses or any outstanding debts. The death benefit provided from the insurance company will help to cover these expensive costs. Life insurance helps to bring peace of mind to the family and loved ones of the deceased.

Our life protection products

Asuransi Sun Safety Life

Asuransi Sun Safety Life

Period: 75 years

  • Protection for 5 risks
  • 50 % Return of Premium
  • Affordable premium
Asuransi Sun Safety Life
Sun Proteksi Cermat

Sun Proteksi Cermat

Period: 10 years

  • Pay premium for 3 years, get protected for 10 years
  • Return of premium benefit
  • Death benefit
Sun Proteksi Cermat
Asuransi X-Tra Jaga (CIMB Niaga)

Asuransi X-Tra Jaga (CIMB Niaga)

Period: 70 years

  • Single premium payment
  • Daily hospital income
  • No claim bonus
Asuransi X-Tra Jaga (CIMB Niaga)
Sun Proteksi Pintar

Sun Proteksi Pintar

period: 20 or 30 years

  • Pay Premium 3 years
  • Death benefit
  • Guaranteed annual benefits
Sun Proteksi Pintar
Sun Proteksi Jiwa

Sun Proteksi Jiwa

Period: 1, 10, 20 years

  • Affordable premium
  • Flexible protection
  • Rider
Sun Proteksi Jiwa


Period: 10 years

  • Pay Premium for 5 years, get protected for 10 years
  • Return of Premium benefit
  • Death benefit
Sun Proteksi Tepat

Sun Proteksi Tepat

  • Right Protection: Pay 5 years for 20 years coverage
  • Right Benefit: Guaranteed return of protection
  • Right Serenity: Death benefit up to 200% Sum Assured
Sun Proteksi Tepat
X-Tra Proteksi Retirement

X-Tra Proteksi Retirement

  • Secure Retirement
  • Safe Retirement
  • Happy Retirement
X-Tra Proteksi Retirement
X-Tra Proteksi Cermat Saver

X-Tra Proteksi Cermat Saver

Period: 10 years

  • 120% Return of Premium
  • Protection up to 700% annual premium
  • Affordable Premium
X-Tra Proteksi Cermat Saver
Asuransi Salam Anugerah Harapan

Asuransi Salam Anugerah Harapan

  • Full of Hope
  • Full of Blessings
  • Full of Grace
Asuransi Salam Anugerah Harapan
X-Tra Proteksi Diri

X-Tra Proteksi Diri

  • Simplicity
  • Blessing
  • Grace
X-Tra Proteksi Diri
X-Tra Proteksi Optima Legacy

X-Tra Proteksi Optima Legacy

  • Legacy Easy
  • Legacy Peace of Mind
  • Legacy Guaranteed
X-Tra Proteksi Optima Legacy
Sun Proteksi Siap

Sun Proteksi Siap

  • Easy
  • Peace of Mind
  • Guaranteed
Sun Proteksi Siap
X-Tra Proteksi Tepat

X-Tra Proteksi Tepat

  •  Right Protection
  •  Right Benefit
  •  Right Serenity
X-Tra Proteksi Tepat
Asuransi Salam Hijrah Sejahtera

Asuransi Salam Hijrah Sejahtera

  • SAHAJA Give Convenience
  • SAHAJA Give Advantages
  • SAHAJA Give Return
Asuransi Salam Hijrah Sejahtera

Complete your protection with the following riders

Waiver of Premium - Death

Providing waiver of premium if the policy holder dies within the coverage period.


Sun Medical Platinum

Providing complete world-class health protection until 88 years old.


Sun Medical Platinum Syariah

Providing shariah-based, world-class complete health protection until 88 years old.


Sun Medical Executive

Health protection since early stage until 88 years old.


Sun Medical Executive Syariah

Shariah-based health protection since early stage until 88 years old.


Hospital Income & Surgical

Providing various benefits when you or your family must be hospitalized.


Critical Condition

Compensation in the amout of 100% of sum assured if the insured suffers from one of critical illnessess stated in the policy during the coverage period.


Sun Early Critical Illness

Providing protection for critical illness since early stage.


Sun Early Critical Illness Syariah

Providing shariah-based protection for critical illness since early stage.


Waiver of Premium – Critical Illness

Providing waiver of premium if you are diganosed with one of the critical illnessess stated in the policy.


Accidental Death Benefit

Compensation in the amount of 100% of sum assured if the insured dies due to accident during the coverage period.


Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit

Providing compensation to the insured in the case of injuries of death by accident.


Waiver of Premium – Total Disability Benefit

Providing waiver of premium if the policy holder suffers from total permanent disability for 6 consecutive months before reaching 60 years old.


Client Stories:

  • Life Moments

    Helpful tips to manage your money and health

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